Turbo C Context File WI_GEN.C SSM.C SOUND.C REDUCE.C READK.C READF.C POWER.C NTUMIN.C NCUBES.C FPRTOUT.C FPRTIN.C EXIST.C CPT.C CAMPG.C CAMPF.C CAMPE.C CAMPD.C CAMPC.C CAMPB.C CAMPA.C CAMP.C ADJACENT.C ADJACENC.C WI_GEN.C SSM.C SOUND.C REDUCE.C READK.C READF.C POWER.C NTUMIN.C NCUBES.C FPRTOUT.C FPRTIN.C EXIST.C CPT.C CAMPG.C CAMPF.C CAMPE.C CAMPD.C CAMPC.C CAMPB.C CAMPA.C CAMP.C ADJACENT.C ADJACENC.C .\INCLUDE\GRAPHICS.H .\LIB\GRAPHICS.LIB CONFIG.SYS C:AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTOEXEC.BAT C:CONFIG.SYS CFGWS.DAT CFGWS.OLD *.CPP README.DOC *.PRJ NSIZE+1 LoadFacet _Windows NSIZE *.CPP C:\LM\SORTING.C C:\LM\SORTER.C C:\LM\SOUND.C C:\LM\SSM.C C:\LM\WI_GEN.C C:\LM\NTUMIN.C C:\LM\SORTER.C C:\LM\NTUMIN.C C:\LM\CHECKOUT.C C:\LM\CHECKOUT.C C:\LM\COMPARE.C C:\LM\CONVERT.C C:\LM\README.DOC C:\LM\ADJACENT.C C:\LM\NTUMIN.PRJ &if (!parentpresent(Ptr, newparent)) cout << "len1 = " << len1; cout << "len2 = " << len2; echo off break on prompt $p$g REM Insert any keyboard internationalization and character set information here. if not exist \decnet\STARTNET.BAT goto nostartup call \decnet\STARTNET goto end :nostartup echo ** WARNING ** STARTNET.BAT file not found. Network functions not performed shell=\command.com /P /E:526 device=\decnet\protman.sys /I:A:\DECNET device=\decnet\elnkii.sys device=\decnet\nddrv.sys device=\decnet\npdrv.sys lastdrive=z device=\decnet\laddrv.sys /D:4 device=\decnet\hiMEM.sys echo Loading character sets \decnet\keybrd \decnet\deckeyb /D * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1992. All Rights Reserved. Nanyang Technological * University. * You are free to use, copy and distribute this software and its * documentation providing that: * NO FEE IS CHARGED FOR USE, COPYING OR DISTRIBUTION. * IT IS NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY. * THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. * This program is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, expressed or * implied, including but not limited to fitness for any particular * purpose. * If you find NTUMIN fast, easy, and useful, a note or comment would be * appreciated. Please sent to: * Boon-Tiong Tan or Othman Bin Ahmad * School of EEE * Nanyang Technological University * Nanyang Avenue * Singapore 2263 * Republic of Singapore * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1992. All Rights Reserved. Nanyang Technological * University. * You are free to use, copy and distribute this software and its * documentation providing that: * NO FEE IS CHARGED FOR USE, COPYING OR DISTRIBUTION. * IT IS NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY. * THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. * This program is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, expressed or * implied, including but not limited to fitness for any particular * purpose. * If you find NTUMIN fast, easy, and useful, a note or comment would be * appreciated. Please sent to: * Boon-Tiong Tan or Othman Bin Ahmad * School of EEE * Nanyang Technological University * Nanyang Avenue * Singapore 2263 * Republic of Singapore * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1992. All Rights Reserved. Nanyang Technological * University. * You are free to use, copy and distribute this software and its * documentation providing that: * NO FEE IS CHARGED FOR USE, COPYING OR DISTRIBUTION. * IT IS NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY. * THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. * This program is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, expressed or * implied, including but not limited to fitness for any particular * purpose. * If you find NTUMIN fast, easy, and useful, a note or comment would be * appreciated. Please sent to: * Boon-Tiong Tan or Othman Bin Ahmad * School of EEE * Nanyang Technological University * Nanyang Avenue * Singapore 2263 * Republic of Singapore * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1992. All Rights Reserved. Nanyang Technological * University. * You are free to use, copy and distribute this software and its * documentation providing that: * NO FEE IS CHARGED FOR USE, COPYING OR DISTRIBUTION. * IT IS NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY. * THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. * This program is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, expressed or * implied, including but not limited to fitness for any particular * purpose. * If you find NTUMIN fast, easy, and useful, a note or comment would be * appreciated. Please sent to: * Boon-Tiong Tan or Othman Bin Ahmad * School of EEE * Nanyang Technological University * Nanyang Avenue * Singapore 2263 * Republic of Singapore * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1992. All Rights Reserved. Nanyang Technological * University. * You are free to use, copy and distribute this software and its * documentation providing that: * NO FEE IS CHARGED FOR USE, COPYING OR DISTRIBUTION. * IT IS NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY. * THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. * This program is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, expressed or * implied, including but not limited to fitness for any particular * purpose. * If you find NTUMIN fast, easy, and useful, a note or comment would be * appreciated. Please sent to: * Boon-Tiong Tan or Othman Bin Ahmad * School of EEE * Nanyang Technological University * Nanyang Avenue * Singapore 2263 * Republic of Singapore * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1992. All Rights Reserved. Nanyang Technological * University. * You are free to use, copy and distribute this software and its * documentation providing that: * NO FEE IS CHARGED FOR USE, COPYING OR DISTRIBUTION. * IT IS NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY. * THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. * This program is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, expressed or * implied, including but not limited to fitness for any particular * purpose. * If you find NTUMIN fast, easy, and useful, a note or comment would be * appreciated. Please sent to: * Boon-Tiong Tan or Othman Bin Ahmad * School of EEE * Nanyang Technological University * Nanyang Avenue * Singapore 2263 * Republic of Singapore * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 1992. All Rights Reserved. Nanyang Technological * University. * You are free to use, copy and distribute this software and its * documentation providing that: * NO FEE IS CHARGED FOR USE, COPYING OR DISTRIBUTION. * IT IS NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY. * THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. * This program is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, expressed or * implied, including but not limited to fitness for any particular * purpose. * If you find NTUMIN fast, easy, and useful, a note or comment would be * appreciated. Please sent to: * Boon-Tiong Tan or Othman Bin Ahmad * School of EEE * Nanyang Technological University * Nanyang Avenue * Singapore 2263 * Republic of Singapore 1. FILES DISTRIBUTION ---------------------- * If you find NTUMIN fast, easy, and useful, a note or comment would be * appreciated. Please sent to: * Boon-Tiong Tan or Othman Bin Ahmad * School of EEE * Nanyang Technological University * Nanyang Avenue * Singapore 2263 * Republic of Singapore * If you find NTUMIN fast, easy, and useful, a note or comment would be * appreciated. Please sent to: * Boon-Tiong Tan or Othman Bin Ahmad * School of EEE * Nanyang Technological University * Nanyang Avenue * Singapore 2263 * Republic of Singapore The authors of the Logic Minimization program welcome comments from the users. Please write to (or contact) : LOW KIAN MONG Blk 96 Geylang Bahru #14-3142 Singapore 1233 TEL : 294 7587 or ONG ENG HUAT Blk 404 Ang Mo Kio Ave. 10 #06-661 HALL 2 #8-1-128 Singapore 2056 NTI TEL : 454 7736 660 5220 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROOTS ----- LM.PRJ COMPARE.PRJ CHECKOUT.PRJ SOURCE.DIR LM.C FPRTOUT.C READF.C READK.C REDUCE.C EXIST.C EXIST1.C POWER.C ADJACENC.C ADJACENT.C CPT.C SSM.C NCUBES.C WI_GEN.C SOUND.C SORTER.C SORTING.C COMPARE.C CHECKOUT.C CONVERT.C LM.PRJ COMPARE.PRJ CHECKOUT.PRJ SOURCE.DIR consists of all source files in C language and project files used in TURBO C for 'making' the executable programs. DATA.DIR consists of sample input and output data. IBM is a registered trademark of the International Business Machine Corporation. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Inc. 7. INSTALLATION ---------------- No installation program was written for this disk. To install the program in hard disk, simply copy all files from the root directory of the disk to any directory in the C drive. Copy also the sample data files if so desired. 7. Installation or PC DOS 1.2 Mbytes floppy disk drive. Memory of at least 512 Kbytes. (based on standard 9-variable input) 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ----------------------- Hardware Rquirements -------------------- IBM PC XT/AT, 386 compatible. Software Requirements --------------------- MS-DOS version 3.1 and above. Turbo C version 2.0. (When making changes to source codes) 3. System Requirements clrscr(); printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n If you find NTUMIN fast, easy, and useful, a note or comment would be\n"); printf(" appreciated. Please send to:\n\n"); printf(" Boon-Tiong Tan or Othman Bin Ahmad\n"); printf(" School of EEE\n"); printf(" Nanyang Technological University\n"); printf(" Nanyang Avenue\n"); printf(" Singapore 2263\n"); printf(" Republic of Singapore"); getch();